Tense Over Calmness
I'm trying to get Business in my head but it's not working since I haven't take my bath yet. Yah! Eww. I'm so sick of waking up early, take cold shower and getting ready to class. No doubt it's much much easier to be in college than high school but repeating the same routine for every single day bore me. I'm such a spoiled kid ain't I? It has been too long for me to be the 'good' kid. Sometimes I want to purposely jump to other blocks and make havoc, scream my lungs out in the class, speak sarcasm to my peers and break some rules so I can get detention class. Here, there is no detention class. If you messed up and get caught, be prepared to be slaughtered. Even skipping classes will end up dragging you to the court. Such an amusement to me. There is no fun to be the other girl. If only I could trade this life for something new, I would.
PS, be wild and free is not want I want.
PS, being myself is what I need.
PS, be wild and free is not want I want.
PS, being myself is what I need.

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