"They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate"
I say it's up to fate"
"FATE" can sometimes be sweet and sometimes can be bitter.
Have you ever tried so hard to do your best but it all turns to waste? Yeah. We all have. There are things that are meant to be ours even though we don't need it, and things we needed but we will never seem to get it. That's what we call fate; the development of events outside a person's control.
And no matter how bad you want to work things out, if it is not meant to happen, it wont.
Life is not a flipping coin so don't gamble it on uncertain things.
And don't play around with fire, you might be the one who get burned.
However, the presence of "FATE" wont stop a person from working hard, hoping and dreaming. In Islam, we believe in Qadha' and Qadar. Allah says in surah Ar-Ra'd : 12,
"Allah (God) never changes the condition of a people until they change themselves."
-eg; a person's FATE is to be a Prime Minister when he grow up. But if he don't work hard, can he still be one?
-eg; a person who's fated to be poor for the rest of his life; somehow if he work hard and have faith and keep praying to God, his fate will change.
Life keeps surprising us right? So have faith in your fate.
HE knows what's the best for the rest of us.

-eg; a person who's fated to be poor for the rest of his life; somehow if he work hard and have faith and keep praying to God, his fate will change.
Life keeps surprising us right? So have faith in your fate.
HE knows what's the best for the rest of us.

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