Sayonara 2013

“Faith is why I'm here today and faith is why I made it through.” 

I feel like it wouldn't be enough to just say Goodbye to 2013. The year has brought me shine and memories. In the early of 2013, I had a terrible time losing my friend who turn 360 degree against me, and poor thing I was left alone. But I get up and not letting my fall to be her amusement. I get out of my box and started to make friends as much as I can. To my surprise, there were so much more pleasant friends around to be with rather than grieving over one old friend. One lesson here, NEVER TO RELY OR FRIEND WITH ONLY ONE PERSON WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET TO KNOW SOMEONE ELSE.

Around February, since I was abandoned by my friend, so I started to study on my own. I don't play fools when it comes to serious matter like studies. I BE MY OWN HERO. My lecturers in matric were surprise of my changes because I don't practically visit their places this often in previous semester. Yeah, eventually I'd become their regular 'customer' because I like to be around people who know how to give me the right answers to my questions and they are rather 'matured' and no fooling around. When it's time for midterm, I really did my best-est. I tell you the truth, how I get 4 flat is NOT BY STUDYING HARD. The key to the secret is to STUDY CONTINUOUSLY. It doesn't matter how big or small the steps you take but my way, I TAKE BABY STEPS. That way, you will go through every detail in every subject. LEARN BY HEART, NOT learn by HARD. 

Right after I achieved what I want, I started to get back my friends attention. Eventually, I become more helpful and I don't let my friends to be left out of their studies. When they asked for my help, I will put all my effort to teach them until they get the same level of understanding like mine, ALWAYS SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOURS TO KEEP. Because of that, I had a lot of friends that I can rely on or share things with them. I started to not have specific best friend because after the break up, I treat everyone equally good and all of them can call me their best friend if they want to. One lesson in friendship, IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOURSELF TO FIT IN, HE/SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Be yourself and let people judge you by who you are, not by what you were trying to be. Being someone you are not only making you feel tired.

At the end of semester before finals, I was given a task at hands to be done in a group and I was named as the leader of that project. To tell the truth, it was a hell hard to make everyone to work together because they don't tolerate and not use to work with people they seldom talk to in the class. Being a leader, I need to have that much of strength and courage to motivate them and eventually asked them properly to lend a help into this project. So I came out with this idea to make the job scope less big; like dividing work into small groups so they can carry out their work together. All they have to do was preparing a couple of slides for presentation and I did the rest of creating the product, combining the slides and presenting it. When somebody become a leader, and not only lead but work together with the people he leads, thus he has become the best leader anyone could make. On the day of presenting the products, I had 2 more friends with me and I put a huge faith in them to one, believe that they can do this, and two, whatever the result is, win as a team, loss as a team. We carried a big burden on that day because only the three of us presenting the product of 30 people's hard work. In sum, we did it. The best part of it, I was named as Tokoh Usahawan Muda as a reward of that project. Not the name of appreciation that I want, what I want is my team mates who worked under me to feel the big winning too. We practically scarified our time, studies and everything for that. So, I want to share the success with them.

My finals in matric was the best. I can say I am fully prepared for it and I did as I say. Alhamdulillah, I get the interview from University of Malaya- a place that only bishops can enter even since it was established. At least I made my mom, my grandparents, my family and friends proud of me. The end of matriculation is the new beginning for university moment. I remind myself this; I already get what I have been working hard on, I am at the best university in Malaysia anyone could be and I have all the things around me that are more than enough, materially, physically and mentally. All I need is the spirit, the same courage and faith that I had during the year 2013.

Since today is the last day of  2 0 1 3
I want to have a private moment with me, myself and I
Because only you yourself wont leave when everybody does in your life
I'm just being realistic and independent.


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