*AllisWell *AllisWell *AllisWell

Most people are studying for the next paper right now; I am too. I am absolutely devastated by the earlier papers; BM. As you see, BM is not that hard. Everyone has the same thought that it is the easiest subject, somehow to me it's quite challenging. Too many questions were asked and yet so little were taught. Perhaps I was the only one who came out from the class not yelling hooray! They seemed so bright and happily chattered among them. Gosh, while me, walk out with a straight face with someone who was about to kill the birds but lost them while counting the bullets. Not so delightful for the first day huh? Such things are inevitable from killing my luck. There aren't any luck in this case. You work on your ass, you'll get one like Kim K. You work on your studies, torture your brain, you'll get one like Granda, eg: senile. Eventually, you might throw the papers in the rubbish chute and hand in the rubbish as the answer sheet. xoxo (useful lesson)

Kay: So how's your bm papers?
Nina: I speak no Malay. Only Tamil
Kay: (O_O)'

From the head of molon:
"Majulah Tamil untuk Malaysia!"


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