Hello November! Please be good

Hahahahahahaha. My voice dah tukar jadi ROCK!

In this few days, I have a lot of fun. I practically ruined the drama performance because of my superstar voice (like Miley Cyrus). Not only that, I ter-said the ‘holy’ F word loudly when the mic was on. HAHA.  Today we had “jamuan raya” which was so lame. Everyone doesn’t seem to be excited with it because exam is around the corner and we’re running out of time; like usual. I dreamt I was back to Form 3 just now. Everyone was there. But everybody looked pale and exhausted. The only person I heard talking was Annick. If I’m not mistaken she was telling me about Dickson’s bday party. I believed that time was somewhere around September. Till then, I woke up when September ends.

“Don’t be sad because it’s over. Be happy it happened.”

Xoxo, E.N. 


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