Ancient Memories

Life is full with possibilities. Things that we don’t expect to happen on us. As for me, it’s drama. I never imagine anything as beautiful as drama. Not the story line, neither the plot. The climb made it picturesque. The ups and downs, the joys and laughter; it’s all worth the while. How lovely the way He brought us together. Thinking of it makes my mind echoing their names, repeating the wonderful moment like a slideshow, pressing the play-pause and reverse button again and again. It never gets me restless repeating it for so many times. I still remember the days we shined so bright; all the magic we made. I still remember the feeling, the crowd went wild, they called our names, they gave us our trophies, and we held it for our town. May these memories break our fall. Yes, one day, we will be remembered.

I wish for it to never end; wish for things to stay the same. But wouldn’t it be selfish if I keep on asking for things to be repeated? Well yeah. It is absurd! But everything happened like a gun shot. You couldn’t realize when exactly it started, who pulled the trigger and who has been shot. It’s too fast. Faster than a blinked of the eyes.

Actually, what really bothers me is I have to say goodbye too soon. I understand that all good things come to an end. Somehow, I know that we’ll meet up someday but it will not feel/be the same. What are we without drama? Haha. I’ve been slapping my face for thousand times but hell yeah! I AM FORM 5 ALREADY!! A few more days to be gone from school. However, I thank God for giving me such blessing. He gave me something to be remembered after I’m gone.

Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera sera….


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